To Do App 📝
Simple Django-based web app for task management with priority setting, scheduling, and completion tracking.
Project Details

To Do App: A Django-Based Task Management Web App

Description: To Do App is a simple yet efficient web application designed for managing tasks. It allows users to organize, track, and prioritize their tasks effectively. Whether you're an individual or part of a team, To Do App streamlines your workflow and ensures nothing falls through the cracks.

Key Features:

  • Task Creation and Assignment: Users can create new tasks, assign them to specific team members, and set deadlines.
  • Priority Setting: Tasks can be categorized by priority (e.g., high, medium, low).
  • Scheduling and Deadlines: The app provides a calendar view where users can visualize their tasks based on due dates.
  • Task Progress Tracking: Users can mark tasks as "in progress," "completed," or "pending."
  • User Authentication and Authorization: Secure user registration and login functionality.
  • Categories and Subtasks: Tasks can be grouped into categories (e.g., work, personal, errands).

Technology Stack:

  • Django: Backend framework for building robust web applications.
  • Python: The primary programming language.
  • SQLite: Database for storing task-related data.
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript: Frontend components for the user interface.
  • Bootstrap: CSS framework for responsive design.
  • Django REST Framework: If you plan to extend the app with an API.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Project Setup: Create a new Django project and set up necessary models.
  2. Views and Templates: Design views for task creation, listing, and updates.
  3. User Authentication: Implement user registration, login, and logout.
  4. Database Models: Define models for tasks, categories, and user profiles.
  5. Forms and Validation: Create forms for task submission and user registration.
  6. Frontend Styling: Use Bootstrap or custom CSS for a clean and intuitive UI.
  7. Testing and Deployment: Test the app thoroughly and deploy it to a hosting platform.

Remember, To Do App aims for simplicity and usability. Feel free to enhance it further based on your requirements!